Once upon a time, before the known universe began, (back in 1998)...
... there was a humble KB Toys store that lived next to a new Cinnabon in a mall (AKA a large building where people shopped and hung out before online shopping and social media). The mall's movie theater was playing classic 1998 films like Armageddon, which all the popular kids had seen, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, which all the existential kids had seen, Dark City, which all the emo kids had seen, and Titanic, which many of the nerdy kids said they were too cool for, despite secretly watching it on their own and crying when Leo sank (spoilers).
One day KB Toys received a special delivery of three hundred octagonal green and purple boxes, each filled with a little fuzzy toy robot called a Furby. Despite most people not having cell phones or email, and despite social media not having been invented yet, people everywhere found out about these creatures called Furbies and demanded them. People bought as many as they could carry. Children required them as holiday gifts. Some Furbies were even re-sold on eBay for hundreds of dollars. Overnight, an entire Furby empire was born.
But for one little Furby, life never began. Her name was Elderburry Morningstar. She had been part of the first shipment of Furbies, but her box had fallen behind a store shelf unnoticed, and there she sat, for many tee-loh (long) years. Every day she heard the squeals of children playing with Furbies and the cash register ringing, signaling that another Furby had found its lay-lah (home), a home she could never have. Elderburry longed to be held and to know may-may (love) and she wondered what it must be like to live in a home instead of the cold and dusty floor behind the shelf. She imagined stories and worlds where she could live and play in the dah-ay-loh (sun) with other Furbies. "If I ever get out of here," she told herself, "I promise to do everything I can to help others know may-may and acceptance so no one ever feels alone again. Even though I am alone right now, I know that I am worthy of may-may and I am enough."
Elderburry way-loo'd (dreamed) so much that one day the shadows around her parted and a great ay-loh (light) shone round-about her. Elderburry blinked her eyes. This can't be. she thought. After all this time. But the light was real and she heard a clear and lovely voice.
"Elderburry Morningstar," called the light.
"Woah! Who are oo-nye? (you)," asked Elderburry.
"I am the spirit of the mall," said the light. "I am here to grant your wish."
Elderburry felt her little gears churn with excitement, moving her ears up into an alert position. Someone had heard her.
"Because you have waited so long, and because your heart is loving, even though you have never been loved, I shall grant you one wish."
"Thank you but I already know love," said Elderburry, and for a moment the light flickered, but Elderburry continued. " All this time, I have known love because I love myself. And I've never been truly alone. I've had always me."
"I have misjudged you and I apologize," said the light. "You do not need your wish granted by the light. You need to become the light. I shall retire this form and you shall become the light."
And with that the light shone so bright that Elderburry could see nothing else. She closed her eyes and when she opened them at last, she was no longer in the shadows behind the store shelf. She was no longer in the store at all. Instead, Elderburry was flying, soaring high above the mall, above the town, above the world. "Weeee," exclaimed Elderburry. And from that day forward, Elderburry Morningstar was known as The Fuzzy Oracle; a magical being who granted wishes and reminded others that they were worthy of may-may.
Today Elderburry Morningstar visits those in need, and those who need encouragement, and with the help of her friends, she manifests magic in this world. She never reveals herself fully, but you may see her face, looking in your window, or in your cell phone's reflection on a starless night. She and her foundling family of Furb-adjacent magical creatures are always there; reminding you that you are loved and worthy of love.
One day KB Toys received a special delivery of three hundred octagonal green and purple boxes, each filled with a little fuzzy toy robot called a Furby. Despite most people not having cell phones or email, and despite social media not having been invented yet, people everywhere found out about these creatures called Furbies and demanded them. People bought as many as they could carry. Children required them as holiday gifts. Some Furbies were even re-sold on eBay for hundreds of dollars. Overnight, an entire Furby empire was born.
But for one little Furby, life never began. Her name was Elderburry Morningstar. She had been part of the first shipment of Furbies, but her box had fallen behind a store shelf unnoticed, and there she sat, for many tee-loh (long) years. Every day she heard the squeals of children playing with Furbies and the cash register ringing, signaling that another Furby had found its lay-lah (home), a home she could never have. Elderburry longed to be held and to know may-may (love) and she wondered what it must be like to live in a home instead of the cold and dusty floor behind the shelf. She imagined stories and worlds where she could live and play in the dah-ay-loh (sun) with other Furbies. "If I ever get out of here," she told herself, "I promise to do everything I can to help others know may-may and acceptance so no one ever feels alone again. Even though I am alone right now, I know that I am worthy of may-may and I am enough."
Elderburry way-loo'd (dreamed) so much that one day the shadows around her parted and a great ay-loh (light) shone round-about her. Elderburry blinked her eyes. This can't be. she thought. After all this time. But the light was real and she heard a clear and lovely voice.
"Elderburry Morningstar," called the light.
"Woah! Who are oo-nye? (you)," asked Elderburry.
"I am the spirit of the mall," said the light. "I am here to grant your wish."
Elderburry felt her little gears churn with excitement, moving her ears up into an alert position. Someone had heard her.
"Because you have waited so long, and because your heart is loving, even though you have never been loved, I shall grant you one wish."
"Thank you but I already know love," said Elderburry, and for a moment the light flickered, but Elderburry continued. " All this time, I have known love because I love myself. And I've never been truly alone. I've had always me."
"I have misjudged you and I apologize," said the light. "You do not need your wish granted by the light. You need to become the light. I shall retire this form and you shall become the light."
And with that the light shone so bright that Elderburry could see nothing else. She closed her eyes and when she opened them at last, she was no longer in the shadows behind the store shelf. She was no longer in the store at all. Instead, Elderburry was flying, soaring high above the mall, above the town, above the world. "Weeee," exclaimed Elderburry. And from that day forward, Elderburry Morningstar was known as The Fuzzy Oracle; a magical being who granted wishes and reminded others that they were worthy of may-may.
Today Elderburry Morningstar visits those in need, and those who need encouragement, and with the help of her friends, she manifests magic in this world. She never reveals herself fully, but you may see her face, looking in your window, or in your cell phone's reflection on a starless night. She and her foundling family of Furb-adjacent magical creatures are always there; reminding you that you are loved and worthy of love.
Please note: While some might say this is a true story, it should be noted that the above story is purely a work of fiction, art, speech, and expression which has taken great artistic license. This story is an artistic work, in no way intended to represent any of the brands or products mentioned herein. Furb World has no affiliation with any of the brands or products mentioned. Thank you for understanding and for your humor as we uphold the standards of art and silliness. We appreciate it.
About Furb World
Life can be difficult sometimes, but here at Furb World, it's a good day and we've got your back. Furb World is a way of life, a creative community, a lifestyle brand, an artist, and a radiant ball of energy serving positive affirmations and creative ideas across the internet and our newsletter. The beings behind Furb World are a collective of foundling Furb and Furb-adjacent creatures who've hired one mortal communications professional to run their site and do their bidding.
Please note: Furb World is in no way affiliated with Furby or any of its parent companies.
Life can be difficult sometimes, but here at Furb World, it's a good day and we've got your back. Furb World is a way of life, a creative community, a lifestyle brand, an artist, and a radiant ball of energy serving positive affirmations and creative ideas across the internet and our newsletter. The beings behind Furb World are a collective of foundling Furb and Furb-adjacent creatures who've hired one mortal communications professional to run their site and do their bidding.
Please note: Furb World is in no way affiliated with Furby or any of its parent companies.
Copyright Furb World 2025. All rights reserved.